Planning Commission Meeting
Regular Meeting
9 items Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 7:00pm
∙ Agenda item 3 of 9
∙ Case: RZ22-0001
Item #3: RZ22-001 - 7050 & 6840 West Hampden Rezoning
The applicant, Norris Design, working on behalf of the property owner, is requesting to rezone the properties at 7050 and 6840 West Hampden Avenue from the Academy Park Planned Development (PD) / Mixed-Use Employment Suburban (M-E-S) to the Mixed-Use General Suburban (M-G-S) zone district. The existing property is 5.034 acres in size. In the event of a successful rezoning and in accordance with the Residential Growth Limitations Ordinance (RGL), the applicant is requesting 102 dwelling unit allocations. The applicant intends to fill their allocation request in the surplus pool (November and December) of the 2022 calendar year. If the requested number of allocations are unavailable in the 2022 surplus pool, a request for 102 allocations will be made in 2023. Under the provisions of the RGL, the Planning Commission does not consider or approve the request for dwelling unit allocations over 40. The subject site is located south of West Hampden Avenue and west of South Pierce Street, in the area known as Academy Park. This property is located within the Mission Trace and Academy Park Growth Area as identified in the Lakewood Comprehensive Plan. Please note, the Staff Presentation was revised 8/29/22 to address a technical issue related to the presentation audio. The revised presentation includes audio describing that public notification for the proposed rezoning was provided in accordance with the Lakewood Zoning Ordinance, and that any public correspondence will be provided to the Planning Commission prior to the public hearing.
Staff Presentation
Applicant Presentation


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Online comments closed at 8:00 PM MDT 9/7/22.
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