City Council Regular Business Meeting Meeting
Item 1 - Call to Order
Item 2 - Roll Call
Item 3 - Pledge of Allegiance
Item 4 - Statement of Conflict of Interest
Item 5 - Initial Public Comment
Item 6 - Bear Creek Lake Park (BCLP) Master Plan
Item 7 - Approval of Resolutions on Consent Agenda
Item 7A. - Est. Residential Dwelling Unit Allocations
Item 8 - Approval of Ordinances on First Reading
Item 8A. - Renewal of Green Mountain Radio Tower Lease
Item 8B. - Code Updates - Real Property Transactions
Item 8C. - Aesthetic Enhancements to US 6 & Wadsworth
Item 8D. - Vacating Property at S. Vance and S. Wadsworth
Item 8E. - ROW Acquisition at Garrison St. North of Alameda
Item 8F. - Amending Chapter 14.16 LMC - Parkland Dedication
Item 9 - Approving Council Minutes
Item 10 - Local Landmark Designation at 1801 Glen Dale Drive
Item 11 - General Public Comment
Item 12 - General Business
Item 12A. - Council Request: Councilors Labure and Nystrom
Item 12B. - Council Request: Councilor Low
Item 13 - Mayor and City Council Reports
Item 14 - Adjournment
Agenda item 5 of 22
Item 5 - Initial Public Comment
This initial period of public comment allows for up to ten total in-person speakers to provide their public comment earlier in the meeting on any matter other than an agenda item will be given the opportunity and shall prioritize those with special needs when the City Clerk is made aware of such needs in advance of the meeting. Speaking during this initial period of public comment requires signing up to speak with the City Clerk in advance of the meeting. Speakers should limit their comments to three minutes and there is no pooling of time during the initial public comment period.
Public Comments
Comments are not being accepted on this item.